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We've have certified 27,000
professionals since 2012

Health-line was founded in March 2012 to create and foster an educational environment conducive to the fitness, health and wellness enthusiast and professional. The launch of the Health-line organization brought educational courses directly to students in locations in the United States and abroad.

Innovative Programs

Choice of: Coke, Fanta, Sprite, Upgrade to large fries, Add whopper patty, Add Tender crisp patty and more.

Professional Development

Choice of: Coke, Fanta, Sprite, Upgrade to large fries, Add whopper patty, Add Tender crisp patty and more.

Ongoing support

Choice of: Coke, Fanta, Sprite, Upgrade to large fries, Add whopper patty, Add Tender crisp patty and more.

Get Advice Regularly

I’m here to help you learn how to eat foods that not only taste delicious, but make you feel amazing – you will glow from the inside out! I’ll help you find your balanced lifestyle. I believe there is no “perfect” way of eating that works for everyone; we are all unique!

Popular Certifications

To improve you will need to have the data first,
and here's how we can help


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Nutrition in

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Welcome To Health
Care Nutrition

Certified Nutrition
Specialist Olivia Adams

Olivia Adams has been working with Healthline for over 5 years. She is an author of our most popular courses: Child Nutrition, Nutrition in Pregnancy, Managing Stress and Mental Health. Currently she is a curator of our Division of Nutritional Sciences. She is very attentive to every student in the class, and provides individual consultations for anyone who needs it.


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We will gladly help you to choose the best program and get your degree in nutrition

Meet our certified specialist

  Jordyn Saris

Has been working with Healthline for over 5 years. She is an author of our most popular courses: Child Nutrition, Nutrition in Pregnancy, Managing Stress and Mental Health.

  Adison Schleifer 

Has been working with Healthline for over 5 years. She is an author of our most popular courses: Child Nutrition, Nutrition in Pregnancy, Managing Stress and Mental Health.

  Carla Press 

Has been working with Healthline for over 5 years. She is an author of our most popular courses: Child Nutrition, Nutrition in Pregnancy, Managing Stress and Mental Health.


Get Certified In Nutrition & Healthy Living

Lets get in touch!

  • 470 Lucy Forks, Patriciafurt, YC7B 3UT
  • +1 (800) 227 7279

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